Surely all know what it's companion blog alexa rank , alexa rank is to measure how the limits and the high number of visitors , SEO , etc.
Surely companion blog sahit his heart to see the page rank of over 5 million , even I 've been / blogwalking who have alexa 12 million , whoa . But quiet here I will give you the most powerful and accurate way to lower the Alexa rank is such that within a few days .
Immediately :
1 . Use Alexa pro . Not have a Credit Card ? Read HERE .
2. Use Alexa Boost Up HERE
2 . Write an article of at least 10-20 articles . Remember , do not result Copas .
3 . Write articles on Alexa , Alexa important up .
NB : This article Copas 's okay , but included my link .
4 . Add Alexa widged on the blog , Can directly HERE
NB :Before instal widged, Sign Up Alexa first HERE
5 . Diligent blogwalking and commented and include active links to your blog
NB : Many Indonesian blogs that do not allow installing an active link in the comments box .
My blog is free for all , include thousands of active links no problem , provided it's not gambling ad link , sara , spam , etc .
See my blog, my blog has a beginning Alexa page rank of 7,034,067. After I followed the above matters and the new Alexa Pagerank 2 days I dropped to 3,892,410 and hopefully continue to fall.
Maybe it's all I can say, hopefully useful, thinks you for visiting and Happy Blogging.
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